Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Awesome! Amazing!

Take a look!

I saw this on the news this morning! The painters name is Dan Dunn and he is/does paintjam, and he has a few more videos of his paintings on youtube. The freebird one is awesome too!Watch them all, you know you want to! You can also look at his web site

You will have no clue what he is painting until he is done, and then you will need to pick your jaw up off the table, you never saw it coming!


The Cherry Family said...

Wow, that is pretty amazing. I never would have guessed. And thanks for giving a new link to your blog. I haven't been able to get to it. And for Luke sleeping, have you read Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child? I think it saved my life. Anyway, good luck getting on a schedule and getting sleep, it's a test of endurance!

Gerrit & Ashlee said...

that's pretty cool- I was trying to guess what it was the whole time- it was looking like a dinasaur- guess I was way off