Monday, March 17, 2008

Michael's sun burn

So this is what happened to Michael on Saturday. He was wearing shorts because the weather was supposed to be in the 70's and he was golfing. It did get warm, I don't know how warm, but it was super windy. Even though the sun was out Michael didn't think to put sunscreen on because since it was so windy is was on the cold side and his nose was running. He was wearing a hat, like he always does, do his ears were protected, and he had a windbreaker on so his arms were protected. One of his hands didn't get burned as bad as the other hand because he had a golf glove on. His neck, face and hands all look better than his legs. The really sad part about all of this is that this isn't the first time his legs have looked like this. He is the neighborhood joke that even when he isn't wearing socks, it looks like he socks! And to think that his old that his old tube sock tan line was almost gone! Too bad you can't see it in person, and I bet that he will remember that just because it's not hot out, if the sun is out you can still get burned. So he won't forget next time


Laura said...

I love how Michael got burned on Saturday and just 9 earlier the ground was covered with snow. Gotta love Texas weather!

Gerrit & Ashlee said...

yeah- why would he put sun block on when he probably just had his snow suit on?

Larry & Erica Evans said...

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! Oh, I miss you guys!!!!!

Gerrit & Ashlee said...

hey your grandpa told me your were coming out here this next weekend! Hopefully we can see each other! Are you going to be at church?

Anonymous said...

hey girl! i hope u dont mind, but i added u to my blog! if u do, let me know!
