This is where you come to find out what Michael, Jeannie, Luke, Cassie, Ender, Flynn and soon to be baby Paige are up to....Well, really it's mostly all about Luke Cassie and soon to be Paige!
And I guess I should tell the birth story before I forget. Tuesday I had my 39 week appointment, I was dilated to about a 3. My Dr. had called the hospital and made arrangements to go in the next morning (June 3rd) at 5am. We got to the hospital about 5:30 and after about 45 minutes of paperwork and forms to sign (about 6:30 by the time I was changed and everything was done), I had my IV in and pitocin was started. My Dr. came by at about 8:40 am to break my water and at that time we ordered the epidural. By the time my epidural was in and working about 9:10-9:20 I was dilated to a 5. we were able to get a little bit of a rest, but not much because I was progressing a lot faster than I had with Luke's induction. By 10:30 when the nurse checked me I was at 7, and then by about 11:30 I was at a 10 and all ready to go! We had to wait a bit for the Dr. to come, good thing her office was right next door to the hospital! The Dr. came a little after 12:00pm, and by 12:15 I was good to go! I pushed for about 10 minutes and then we had our beautiful baby girl. A bit of a side note, with Luke's induction my water was broke about 8:30 am and epidural by 9 am, but I wasn't ready to start pushing until 4pm, and he was born at 5:24pm. So we were all surprised that this time around it was so fast...and really it was easy too!
And in case anyone is wondering since I can't remember if I posted before... Cassie is short for Cassandra, and we decided to not give her a middle name...it's I guess you can say it's kind of tradition. I don't have a middle name, my mom doesn't have a middle name, my mom's sisters don't have middle names, you get the idea right?