Monday, September 29, 2008

Dinner time

You would think we didn't feed them! I made homemade pizza the other night, but Luke had already had his dinner earlier that night since he goes to bed early. Maybe he was still hungry, or maybe it's because lately anything we have he wants but he was right there hoping to get some! So was Ender...notice the lifted paw in the first picture, he thinks that if he does a trick that he will get whatever he wants!


Walter Family said...

Hi Jeannie! Luke is so cute! It's so funny when they start wanting everything that we have even if they haven't had it before! They just know it's gotta be good! :)

The Reimers Family said...

I should try doing tricks at the grocery store to see if they would give me free food! He's on to something. I can't believe your baby is almost 1!!!!